Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Maths | Speed Demon Challange

I completed the speed demon challenge. 

I did subtraction up to five I got 100/100. 

My time was 3 minutes and 22 seconds.

HPE | Tables Tennis

Today we used table tennis equpment to help us with balance.

First Mr Ogilvie tought us how to hold a table tennis bat. We hold it like we are doing a handshake and then we hold the back side like a gun.

Then we were trying to bounce the ball on our table tennis bat by using our forehand as many times as we could I bounced it 65 times then it fell.

Then we bounced the ball again but with our backhand I bounced it 50 times then the ball fell.

Lastly we were playing a game of table tennis the challenger was the one that does the serve. The serve name was drop serve we had to drop the ball and hit it after it bounced I was the champion in that game.

This was easy because I was always the person who had the bonced the ball the most and been the champian the most.


We revised all the things we learnt during the past term. 

First we played a game were we had to try and memorise the cards. We also had to say the words that matched the picture on the card.

Then I answered some questions in Maori. I used the Maori dictionary to help me. One of the questions were: ko wai to hoa? Which means who is your friend. 

This task was a bit difficult because I had to use the Maori Dictionary.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021


We learnt how to write three diffrent types of introductions.

My first introduction was a basis fact. A basic fact is something that is true. Glass is a material used all over the world. This transparent material is made from silica sand, soda ash and limestone.

The next Introduction I did was a question hook. A quesiton hook is trying to make the reader read the text with interesting information. Did you know that the history of glass making dates back over 3,600 BC?

The last introduction I did was a explain emotion. Explain emotion is trying to get the reader to have an emtional feeling while reading the text. If glass didn't exist every structure would be dark and make it hard to see. This is why mixing silica sand, soda ash and limestone is one of the most important processes in the world.

Reading | Skimming and Scanning

This week we used skimming and scanning to understand a book called Against the odds. 

Scanning is the same as skimming but scanning is hovering over a text and trying to look for the the main facts. 

Skimming is the same but skimming is just going thorugh the text without stoping.       

For this activty I used skimming and scanning. I used skimming to find the keywords and use thoses keywords to find more information. I used scanning to find the main ideas so I could understand the text more and to put my facts into chronlogical order.

Next I made a table mat to find keywords, facts, ect.

I learnt a lot from doing this activty cause skimming and scanning helped by helping me find keywords and learning a lot about paralympics and other texts. 

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

HPE | Balancing

We used some frisbee equipment and techniques to help with our balancing.

First we got into pairs and threw the frisbee to our partner.

Next we played catch we tried to to balance while runing and jumping to catch the frisbee and to stop instantly.

Then we used technique that we used to catch the frisbie to try to stop in a position to get the frisbie inside the goal.

Lastly we played ultimate frisbee we used the same technique that we learnt during the activities we did.  that we did to play ultimate frisbee.

I think I need some more practise with my catching because I sometimes couldn't catch the frisbee.

Maori | Questions

I continued translating questions and answers in Maori.

First, we revised the questions. "Kei hea te aporo? Kei roto i te peke."

After we copied and pasted the questions from our google doc to our google slide and then added the pictures that we made next to the questions.

This activity was a little hard because the pictures were a little hard to draw.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Coding | Maths

We learnt the four basic turns.

They are 1/4, 1 half turn, 3/4, and 1 full turn. 

The two direction are clockwise and anti clockwise.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Skimming and Scanning | New Zealand Film-makers

This week we used skimming and scanning to understand a book called New Zealand Film-makers.

Skimming is like a airiplane you look for key words only. Scanning is being a helicopter you stop on a paragraph when seeing information.

Next I made a table mat to find keywords, find facts, ect. After I shared my work with the other people in my group for them to proofread it.

Finally I wrote some questions that the author might of thought of before writting the book and the questions I thought about while reading the book.

I enjoyed this activity because skimming and scanning to helped make this task easier.

Writing | Explanation Topic Planner

I commpleted a Explanation Topic Planner.

First we choose a topic we would like to write about.

Next we wrote three mechanism about the topic we are writting about and show our information sorce.

Then we added cause and effect.

Then we had to pick another topic.

I thought this was challenging for me because I only finished one and I was working on my second.

School Values

Our school values are Confidence, Attitude, Respect and Excellance and inivation. C.A.R.E


We have the confadence to take this risks with our learning and share our learning with others, we are focused on our futures.


We show a positive attitude to our learning by making good choices and we participate in all opportunities.


We are tolerant and respectful of all the people in our community and take care of our environment.

Excellance and innovation 

We set ourselves challanging goals, share ideas and think about our learning.

During our HPE session Group B was not able to follow the instructions that were givin to us and do things we were not supposed to do.


We learnt a variety of different sentences in Maori.

First I looked at the sentences and where the fruit were placed like in a bag.

Next I wrote sentences using runga, raro and roto. For example Kei hea te panana? Kei roto i te pouaka makariri is where is the banana the  it is in the fridge.

I need to practise because I kept on getting stuck.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Writing | Cause & Effect Introduction

We wrote a cause and effect sentence for each of our mechanisms for Chocolate making and how Fireworks work.


Chocolate is made by liquifying the cocoa pods together with sugar and other ingredients by heating them.This chocolate liquid is then poured into a mold so it can set and harden. The size of the mold affects the size of the finished chocolate when it is cooled.


A cylindrical paper containing the parts of the firework has a fuse inside it which can be lit. Stars, cubes or spheres containing the chemicals are needed for the reaction to add colour A bursting charge in the firework's center contains gunpowder which makes the noise. A fuse with a time delay ensures the shell explodes high in the sky and allows you to be away at a safe distance.

Next time I will write a better introduction and add more writing to my introduction.

Maths | Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a seed demon challenge.

My time was 4 minutes and 52 seconds. 

Next time I will do basic facts boxes to 100 hundred because up to 20 was to easy for me.

Reciprocal Reading

We used Reciprocal Reading to read two PDFs Where We Lived and What we invested.

First we decided who the leader would  be. The leader is the person who assigns the roles to the group and introduces the text.

Next we decided who the predictor would be. The predictor scans the section of text that you are about to read and predictits what the next page will be about. 

We  then decided who the clarifier would be. The the clarifier identifies tricky words, pharses, or ideas and shares them with the group.

 We decided who the questioner would be. The questioner asks questions about the text and encourages group members to elaborate on their answers and give evidence.

Lastly we decided who the summeriser would be. The summeriser thinks of the main ideas in the section we've just read.

I enjoyed being the leader because I got to introduce the new text and I believe I allocated roles to my group members well. We worked well as a team.