Thursday, 19 March 2020

The First Waka

Originally there were no people in New Zealand. The first people to settle in New Zealand come in a series of waka.

The fist ten waka were named kurahaupo, Takitimu, Mataatua, Taniui, Te Arawa, Aotea, Tokomaru, Horouta, Uruao, Arai-te-uru.

Most of the waka visited the North island. Some of the places were Rotorua, Tamaki River and Turanganui.

The ten waka came to New Zealand to discover new land for people to live.

LI: to learn about early exploration.

Waka names
Destinations in NZ
Extra notes
Takapau Kura
Kurahaupo sailed all the way to takapau kura
In maori tradition kurahaupo waka settled in Muriwhenua throughout the pacific 
Te Awanui
Tauranga Moana
Waiapu River
Mahia Peninsula
Te Wairoa
Mohaka River
Te Waewae bay
The user of the Takitimu waka stopped at the Rata Forest.
Takitimu is a waka that was with the whakapapa  throughout the pacific.
Takou Bay
By using the Mataatua waka, 2 visitors sailed to Hinaki Pakau O Te Rupe. 

 tamaki River,
 Te Haukapua, Whangaparaoa, Manukau Harbour, 
Te Ahurei,

The Tainu waka   stopped at many different Pasific Islands, and then it eventually stopped in  New Zealand.
Te Arawa
The Te Arawa waka came from Hawaiki 
Te Arawa was one of the greatest voyaging waka.
Kaipara Harbour
Hawaiki -iti (Aotea Harbour)
The user of the Aotea waka stopped at Rangitahua.
Aotea was a double canoe that was built by Toto
Tongaporutu River

The Horouta waka travelled to Ohiwa in the Bay of Plenty. It also landed in Muriwai.


Shag Point
The waka stopped at Hokianga Harbour. 

Friday, 13 March 2020

Place Value

L.I To understand the place value system.

Today for maths we did an activity called place value. For this activity we had to add and subtract if you add it will go to the left but if you subtract it will go to the right.


KiwiCan was about listening.

We played 'bob the cone' to practise listening for instructions. 

We also played 'Chinese whispers' to practise listening skills.

I thought 'Chinese whispers' was a good way to practise listening skills.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Early NZ Exploration

Kupe and Captain James Cook are 2 important explorers in New Zealand history. 

Kupe arrived in New Zealand in the 1100's. He travelled by traditional methods on a traditional sail boat. Myth has it Kupe followed a giant octopus to New Zealand. He did this voyage to find new land for his people to live. His wife named NZ Aotearoa after seeing the mountains and the clouds.

Captain James Cook is a British explorer. He started his jorney to New Zealand In 1768. He came to map the area and to trade with the Maori. He sailed to New Zealand with his crew on a ship called the Endeavour.    

Kupe is important because he was the first documented person in NZ. 

Cook is important because he mapped NZ and opened it up to the world to access.   

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Basic Facts

L.I: To remember basic maths facts. 

Today I did the basic facts boxes up to 5 the time I got was 5 minutes and thirty eight seconds. I got three wrong next time I wont get any wrong.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Rippa rugby

L.I To play basic sports 

This week is was our second session of rippa rugby we crossed the road and walked further back because their was a baseball tournament. Our coaches were Ice and Loane. We did some drills our first drill was invisible touch after that we played real rippa rugby. There was two teams team Lion and team T-rex. I was in team lion when every one was ready Ice would call a number between 1-4.

 After that we played real rippa rugby Ice was on our team when the game ended Ice told us the score it was a tie. I had lots of fun I am looking forward to our next session.   

Number Line

L.I To solve subtraction and addition maths equation using tidy numbers

Today we did an activity and for this activity I solved a maths problem using these maths equation 123+18, 228 - 19, 91 - 29, 596 - 89, 312, - 9, 991, + 88. 


L.I To comment on someone else work

This week we had to comment on someones blog  and start a conversation. I also had to ask a question. I commented on Viliami's blog. I liked how Viliami explained what we did at dunkirk field.    

Explorers and Adventurers

Explorers and Adventurers are people who travel and discover new things.

Explorers are people who travel to find new things and record them for the community such as kupe, Captain James Cook, and Zheng He.  

Adventurers are people who travel to take part in something for their community such as Sir Peter Blake, David Livingstone and Bear Grylls.

Explorers and Adventurers need to have or show very different attitudes and attributes. Such as being confident because you can take leadership and to be brave to be responsible., co-operative because if you do everything by yourself you wont get it done., communicator because if you dont communicate you wont make any friends and you will be lonely.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Key words

key words are words that help to research specific information about a chosen topic they can also give appropriate information to young learners.                  

Key words are for narrowing down the information gained by an internet search.

Key words can be used to find information that is understandable and readable by children.   

Legal and Illegal Images

A legal image is an image that can be used with permission by the law.

Image creators give legal permission to use their images by adding a sharing license.

It is important to use legal images to help creators, and so users don't get in trouble.

When using images, make sure to check the license for permission.