Friday 29 May 2020


For art we were making a story using aboriginal art. Aboriginal art tells a story from the aboriginal's beliefs witch is called Dreamtime stories.

We first practised the aboriginal symbols. The different types of symbols are: footprints, stars, travelling signs, boomerang, water hole, rivers and more. 

The story I was trying to tell was about a fish and a turtle swimming and working together to escape a shark.

I enjoyed telling my story with aboriginal art and learned new things about the aboriginal culture.

LI: To create art that tells a story using traditional methods.

1 comment:

  1. Salaam Alaikum Mahdi,
    I enjoyed reading your blogpost about the art task. Your colour scheme is very nice. I don't really understand the storyline but I can see the idea coming from it. How does the art connect back to you?


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